Less is more, Advice for Moms Seeking a Simpler Life | Life & Motherhood Series

Hi you guys! I wanted to start using this blog more to connect better with my readers and also share a little more about my life. This is my first post in my new Life & Motherhood Series where I will be sharing bits of my life, thoughts, advice, etc.

I recently went on a simple trip with my family to the mountains. It was freezing cold and I thought that would ruin the trip, but it ended up being the most beautiful, peaceful, fun, fulfilling trip we’ve ever taken. All for $300 bucks. We had a lot of quality family time, just being in the great outdoors and enjoying nature. During a family nap (everyone naps but me) I poured myself a cup of coffee and opened up my book Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen. I had a real moment of God’s peace and what I would call a ‘Holy Spirit’ moment. I just realized more fully that nothing else really matters but to love and be loved, to live for Heaven. We can go about life, work hard, keep our hearts focused on what really matters and nothing can steal our peace.

I supposed this moment inspired this post, but I think for the past couple of years I have been yearning for more simplicity. Maybe it was having 3 kids and all the little shoes and toys that followed, our budget constraints, or the constant pressure of society telling me I needed to do more, have more, be more. Dave Ramsey has also played a big role in our lives as we try to live intentionally and plan for the future. With that said, my dreams now consist of simple life, preferably with a big grassy field and kids climbing trees barefoot. I can already imagine the pictures I would take!   Until then, I wanted to share some of the things I’ve learned and practiced to create space to breathe, enjoy life more, and reduce stress.

Less is more, Advice for a Simpler Life

Stop Comparing

Comparison is the thief of joy, we all know that! Focus on what God has placed in front of you and be grateful for those things. Limiting social media and making more time for reading books that fill you up or teach you something can really help. I’m a big fan of audible and am always listening to something on my drive to pick up the kids from school!

Limit how often you check your phone

I often fall into the habit of checking my phone constantly through the day. I didn’t realize how silly this was until we took a trip to the mountains with phones off. I checked my phone once in the evenings during the trip and that was all I needed. During work days you could do something like 3 times a day and have a specific purpose.

Give you and the kids a capsule wardrobe.

Get basics for the kids. Things that will all go together. We like to do leggings and dresses or tunics. My girls basically live in that! Limit the number of outfits they have and limit the amount of storage for their clothing. My girls share a small dresser and closet,  when the drawers don’t shut anymore, we know it’s time to weed out some unnecessary items. When you buy clothes, get what you really do need for the upcoming season and then don’t go shopping anymore. All the little clothing items people buy here and there really add up. You end up with way more then you need and don’t even use it all.

Stop buying junk. 

It helps to just stop going to stores. I really believe that 9 out of 10 purchases that most Americans make is completely unnecessary. Target and I are not friends. Little things add up, destroy your budget, create stress, and clutter your house. When new things enter the house, usually it’s some cheap toy from a goodie bag the kids brought home or their art projects from school, they only last a few days in my house. I give them some time to enjoy the new ‘things’ and then I start to see those things on the floor scattered about. That’s when I promptly throw them away. Throwing away stuff is one of my favorite activities now, possibly to the dismay of my family. But I think everyone ends up happier in the end, remember, less is more! Less stuff means more appreciation for the stuff you do have.

Live under your means. 

I think we can all agree this reduces stress big time.

Keep grocery shopping basic. 

The grocery store has become a world of marketing in itself. All the different products and types of mayo can be overwhelming. I personally can’t handle the decision fatigue. Keep your lists simple and basic: cheese, milk, rice, meat, fruits, veggies, spices, nuts, etc. I buy most of these things in bulk at Costco and fill in with some of the the other things that I don’t want to buy in bulk at Aldi. Ignore new fancy food products and snack foods. You’ll end up eating better, saving money, and getting more creative in the kitchen! Here are just a few things I have either stopped buying or cut back on:

  • pre-packages snack foods – the kids can eat nuts, fruit, cheese, cut up veggies, etc. Occasional fun snacks!
  • paper towels – we use microfiber cloths
  • All kinds of soaps – limit this! You could even try making homemade bar soaps, I do and it’s fun!
  • Cleaning supplies- Ignore the hype, make simple cleaners with water and vinegar and essential oils. Clean with water and microfiber. Cut out the chemicals.
  • Yogurt – I make a gallon of yogurt easily in my instant pot. This lasts us about 2 weeks and costs 2.50!

It’s also a good idea to go grocery shopping less. Make do with what you have for a little longer!

It’s not just about stuff, it’s also about time! 

Shopping less and having less stuff will free up SO MUCH TIME to do other things you love! Less time cleaning, less time organizing, less time making decisions!

Limit extra-curricular activities. 

I’m all about sports and learning new things, but not when it means my life is lived in a mini-van and there is no time to cook dinner. Cut out the excess. Limit activities and play dates, choose wisely how you want to spend your family time.

Do more activities at home!

There are so many fun things you can do at home to use up all the new free time you will have. Going on walks, reading a book outside while the kids play, pick up a hobby you’ve always wanted to learn.

Get rid of the TV.

This could be a whole post of it’s own. My children excel without TV and find things to do and stretch their imagination. You get the added bonus of less influence from the outside world so you can focus on your family values and goals.

Worry less, pray more, and go on more walks as a family. 

I feel like this last one sums up what I’m really trying to get across. To me, THIS is a happy, simple life. To enjoy the little things and really be present to the ones you love.

“Learn from the way the wildflowers grow” – Matthew 6:28

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